Crain 845 Metal Miter Handle

Crain SKU: 845


Metal Miter Handle includes the handle assembly only for the family of Metal Miter interchangeable die sets and handles used to make corner shapes in cap metal. Metal Miter Handle generates the force necessary to punch notched shapes out of the aluminum cap. Die sets fasten onto the cast iron die holder with two fasteners. Metal Miter Handle accepts the following interchangeable die sets: No. 846 (.135" thick punch - carpet / wall board cap), No. 848 (.090" thick punch - vinyl / carpet cap with at least 3/32" opening), No. 850 (.050" thick punch - vinyl / laminate cap with at least 1/16" opening). This handle also works as a replacement handle for the die sets in a No. 870 Vinyl Notcher, though that die set is not sold separately. No die set is included with this handle. Net weight: 1 1/2 lbs. Back to Metal Miter Tool